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Ірпінь -

Який ти? Який твій танець?
Обирай себе в Irpin Dance Centre!

Сучасна хореографія

Вид танцю, в основу якого входять елементи класики,
балету, естрадної та сучасної хореографії.
Заняття передбачені для дітей від 3 до 10 років.


Cучасний стиль танцю, який поєднує у собі
елементи балету, модерн-денсу, джазу, імпровізації
та інших технік танцю.
Групи для підлітків (8-15 років) та дорослих 16+


Cтиль танцю, який поєднує в собі
елементи джазу, фанку та хіп-хопу.
Група для підлітків 8-15 років.
Break dance


Вуличний стиль танцю, який характеризується
енергійними акробатичними рухами
Заняття для хлопчиків та дівчаток, віком від 4 до 10 років.


Танець відзначається енергійністю, стильністю
та індивідуальністю виразу.


Стиль танцю, в якому танцівники виконують рухи
на високих підборах.
Групи для підлітків (11-15 років) та дорослих 16+.
Ballroom dance

Ballroom dance

Cтиль танцю, який характеризується граційними рухами,
елегантністю і плавністю виконання.
Заняття для дорослих.


Фізична практика, яка полягає в розтягуванні м'язів
та суглобів для поліпшення гнучкості тіла.
Група для осіб від 14 років.

Irpin Dance Centre


  • Комплексний розвиток дітей
  • Професійний рівень підготовки
  • Навчаємо майбутніх чемпіонів
  • Запрошуємо дітей від 3 років


Місце любові, розвитку та підтримки

Наш центр танців – це молоді професійні тренери-викладачі, нові просторі танцювальні зали, великий вибір танцювальних стилів для дітей та дорослих. Допомагаємо обрати танцювальний напрям. Регулярно проводимо майстер-класи від кращих танцювальних тренерів України та світу. Готуємо танцюристів та хореографічні колективи до участі в конкурсах, концертах, фестивалях. Займаємося постановкою танцю до урочистої події. Даруємо можливість перевтілюватись та ставати краще.


Ми пропонуємо

Групові заняття

На людей подивитись, себе показати. Групові заняття - це завжди порція практики, заряд бадьорості та гарний настрій. Групова динаміка обов'язково дає результат і великим, і маленьким.

Індивідуальні заняття

Індивідуальні заняття з тренером - це ефективна форма навчання, яка дозволяє освоювати техніку в найкоротші терміни. Якщо, наприклад, хочеться підготуватися до вечірки або глибше зануритися у предмет, завжди є можливість взяти індивідуальне заняття.

Мама+малюк заняття

Мама + малюк - це комфортне заняття, де мама зможе займатися у груповому або індивідуальному занятті з тренером, а малюк буде на своєму занятті або під наглядом няні.



Сучасна хореографія
Акторська майстерність
Home | About Us | Register for Classes | Faqs | Contact Us Call 0401 740 051 | Members Login Dance Classes and Timetables for 2021 Home | About Us | Register for Classes | Faqs | Contact Us Home | About Us | Register for Classes | Faqs | Contact Us Home | About Us | Register for Classes | Faqs | Contact Us Members Login Members Login We can't wait for you to join us in 2021 Secure your here spot now. About Awesome Dancer We can't wait for you to join us in 2021 We can't wait for you to join us in 2021 We can't wait for you to join us in 2021 We can't wait for you to join us in 2021 Without all the fuss and have been providing opportunities in the Fairfield, Thornbury, Northcote and Alphington area for the last 14 years.Our mission is to cultivate friendships that will last a lifetime, provide opportunities for building confidence and self esteem and encourage teamwork and creativity. Students can expect to be encouraged and respected by their teachers and fellow class mates, improve their overall physical wellbeing and be taught current and age appropriate dance techniques, styles and routines. We would like to thanks all our dedicated students and families for joining us online last year for what was a very unique experience. We were so thrilled to be back together to celebrate the year and we look forward to having some returning and new dancers and families joining us in 2021. Without all the fuss and have been providing opportunities in the Fairfield, Thornbury, Northcote and Alphington area for the last 14 years.Our mission is to cultivate friendships that will last a lifetime, provide opportunities for building confidence and self esteem and encourage teamwork and creativity. Students can expect to be encouraged and respected by their Secure your here spot now. Secure your here spot now. Home | About Us | Register for Classes | Faqs | Contact Us Home | About Us | Register for Classes | Faqs | Contact Us Call 0401 740 051 | Members Login Join us in 2021 Dance Classes and Timetables for 2021 Secure your here spot now. Secure your here spot now. We can't wait for you to join us in 2021 Home | About Us | Register for Classes | Faqs | Contact Us Call 0401 740 051 | Members Login Secure your here spot now. Call 0401 740 051 0401 740 051 Members Login Call 0401 740 051 Dance Classes and Timetables for 2021 Our 2021 class timetable, enrolments are now open.Find your preferred class and select the register link. We hope you can join us in 2021. Dance Classes and Timetables for 2021 Our 2021 class timetable, enrolments are now open.Find your preferred class and select the register link. We hope you can join us in 2021. Our 2021 class timetable, enrolments are now open.Find your preferred class and register. Dance Classes and Timetables for 2021 Our 2021 class timetable, enrolments are now open.Find your preferred class and register. About Awesome Dancer An Adults and kids dance school without all the fuss Find Out More At Awesome Dancer we set ourselves apart from the others by moving with the times. About Awesome Dancer An Adults and kids dance school without all the fuss Find Out More At Awesome Dancer we set ourselves apart from the others by moving with the times. About Awesome Dancer An Adults and kids dance school without all the fuss Find Out More At Awesome Dancer we set ourselves apart from the others by moving with the times. About Awesome Dancer An Adults and kids dance school without all the fuss Find Out More At Awesome Dancer we set ourselves apart from the others by moving with the times. Awesome Dancer offers the best dance school experience Awesome Dancer offers the best dance school experience “Thanks for another wonderful year of dancing. Whatever you do, you do it right…my kids never want to miss a lesson and just love it year after year.” Pauline, happy parent. “Thanks for another wonderful year of dancing. Whatever you do, you do it right…my kids never want to miss a lesson and just love it year after year.” Pauline, happy parent. Testimonials “Thanks for another wonderful year of dancing. Whatever you do, you do it right…my kids never want to miss a lesson and just love it year after year.” Pauline, happy parent. “Thanks for another wonderful year of dancing. Whatever you do, you do it right…my kids never want to miss a lesson and just love it year after year.” Pauline, happy parent. Testimonials “Thanks for another wonderful year of dancing. Whatever you do, you do it right…my kids never want to miss a lesson and just love it year after year.” Pauline, happy parent. “Thanks for another wonderful year of dancing. Whatever you do, you do it right…my kids never want to miss a lesson and just love it year after year.” Pauline, happy parent. Testimonials Contact US Contact US Contact US Contact US Contact US LOCATIONStudio 5/55 McClure St, Thornbury 3071 ContactCall Vikki on 0401 740 051 or Email: Studio 5/55 McClure St, Thornbury 3071 Studio 5/55 McClure St, Thornbury 3071 Operating hours: 9am - 8pm Monday Friday9am - 5pm Saturday LOCATIONStudio 5/55 McClure St, Thornbury 3071 fff Operating hours: 9am - 8pm Monday Friday9am - 5pm Saturday Dance Classes and Timetables for 2021 Our 2021 class timetable, enrolments are now open.Find your preferred class and register. We can't wait for you to join us in 2021 teachers and fellow class mates, improve their overall physical well-being and be taught current and age appropriate dance techniques, styles and routines. We would like to thanks all our dedicated students and families for joining us online last year for what was a very unique experience. We were so thrilled to be back together to celebrate the year and we look forward to having some returning and new dancers and fami-lies joining us in 2021. Awesome Dancer offers the best dance school experience Without all the fuss and have been providing opportunities in the Fairfield, Thornbury, Northcote and Alphington area for the last 14 years.Our mission is to cultivate friendships that will last a lifetime, provide opportunities for building confidence and self esteem and encourage teamwork and creativity. Students can expect to be encouraged and respected by their teachers and fellow class mates, improve their overall physical well-being and be taught current and age appropriate dance techniques, styles and routines. We would like to thanks all our dedicated students and families for joining us online last year for what was a very unique experience. We were so thrilled to be back together to celebrate the year and we look forward to having some returning and new dancers and fami-lies joining us in 2021. Without all the fuss and have been providing opportunities in the Fairfield, Thornbury, Northcote and Alphington area for the last 14 years.Our mission is to cultivate friendships that will last a lifetime, provide opportunities for building confidence and self esteem and encourage teamwork and creativity. Students can expect to be encouraged and respected by their teachers and fellow class mates, improve their overall physical The best dance school experience wellbeing and be taught current and age appropriate dance tech-niques, styles and routines. We would like to thanks all our dedicated students and families for joining us online last year for what was a very unique experience. We were so thrilled to be back together to celebrate the year and we look forward to having some returning and new dancers and fami-lies joining us in 2021. Already a Registered Member? Login Here LOCATIONStudio 5/55 McClure St, Thornbury 3071 ContactCall Vikki on 0401 740 051 or Email: Operating hours: 9am - 8pm Monday Friday9am - 5pm Saturday LOCATIONStudio 5/55 McClure St, Thornbury 3071 ContactCall Vikki on 0401 740 051 or Email: Operating hours: 9am - 8pm Monday Friday9am - 5pm Saturday LOCATIONStudio 5/55 McClure St, Thornbury 3071 ContactCall Vikki on 0401 740 051 or Email: Operating hours: 9am - 8pm Monday Friday9am - 5pm Saturday Without all the fuss and have been providing opportunities in the Fairfield, Thornbury, Northcote and Alphington area for the last 14 years.Our mission is to cultivate friendships that will last a lifetime, provide opportu-nities for building confidence and self esteem and encourage teamwork and creativity. Students can expect to be encouraged and respected by their teachers and Awesome Dancer offers the best dance school experience fellow class mates, improve their overall physical wellbeing and be taught current and age appropriate dance techniques, styles and routines. We would like to thanks all our dedicated students and families for joining us online last year for what was a very unique experience. We were so thrilled to be back together to celebrate the year and we look forward to having some return-ing and new dancers and families joining us in 2021. Already a Registered Member? Login Here An adults and kids dance school without all the fuss Contact US


Акторська майстерність


Бальні танці



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Старший викладач
Modern Choreography, Jazz-funk



Break dance, Contemporary, Dance mix, Baby dance



Heels, Diva Dance, Stretching

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Contemporary, Jazz-funk, Modern, Modern jazz



K-pop, Dance mix



Acrobatics, Stretching












Викладач з вокалу



Засновниця Irpin Dance Centre




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Старший адміністратор

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